Are you looking for a fun and creative way to teach the alphabet uppercase letter Z? Use this fun preschool free printable letter Z is for zebra learning craft activities. Grab other things that start with the letter Z like a zipper or go to the zoo after you make this easy letter Z craft. Your kindergarten students will also love making this fun printable letter Z is for zebra craft.

Free Printable Letter Z Craft Template

Keep your kids entertained for hours with our two free printable letter Z for zebra craft templates.

This letter of the week craft is the ideal activity for children that love animals!

Using our easy cut-and-paste letter Z for zebra craft worksheet, children will have the opportunity to know more about the letter Z – including how to pronounce words and write the uppercase and lowercase letter.

Almost done making this simple printable letter Z craft template?

Teach your little learner the Z sound by cutting out pictures of things that begin with the Z like zipper, zigzag, zero and zoo.

This easy preschool craft is far from boring and so simple to do!

Check out the step-by-step directions or watch the short tutorial video as you make your own letter Z for zebra craft.

Printable Alphabet Crafts for Kids, preschoolers and toddlers 6


Need more crafty fun? Check out our Letter E, Letter N and Letter U craft. They are perfect for those days when staying indoors is the only thing your family can do!

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Free Printable Cut and Paste Letter Z Craft

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Ideas for Easy Preschool Paper Letter Z Craft

We came up with these amazing ideas on how to include this free printable letter Z craft template in your daily life with kids.

1. Zebra Facts for Kids

Get your kids excited on visiting the nearest zoo this weekend when you make this free printable letter Z for zebra craft template.

Nurture your child’s curiosity by telling them these interesting facts about zebras.

Zebras are mammals that are known for their unique pattern of black and white stripes.

Did you know that there are three main species of zebras?

They are the plains zebra, the mountain zebra and the Grevy’s zebra.

Did you know that zebras are herbivores?

Which means they eat plants, grasses and roots.

Zebras have great hearing, excellent eyesight, sense of taste and smell.

Did you know that zebras can sleep while standing up?

That’s really cool, isn’t it?


2. The Letter Z Books for Children

Read a book about things that start with the letter Z and create a fun chart with pictures that begin with the letter Z.

Reading aloud to our little one improves their language, listening and speech development.

If you are trying to find some awesome books that’s perfect to pair with our easy alphabet craft activities, we highly recommend the following:


Printable Alphabet Crafts for Kids, preschoolers and toddlersbutton_yes-i-want-the-bundle

3. Imaginative Play with Animal Crafts

Aside from this easy cut-and-paste letter Z for zebra craft, we have a bunch of zoo animal crafts that are perfect to add to your creative and imaginative pretend-play with the kids.

We have the free printable horse craft, elephant craft, giraffe craft, monkey craft, lion craft, tiger craft, crocodile craft and lots of different bird crafts!

Let your children and their friends enjoy the process of coloring, cutting and gluing all the pieces together.

These fun art and craft activities will keep the kids entertained for hours and once they are done, help them to glue a large popsicle stick at the back of each animal craft.

Help the kids to create a playset and encourage them to come up with simple dialogues or stories while using the adorable animal crafts.

This cute idea will help every child to develop their language, imagination and thinking skills.

4. Letter of the Week: Letter Z

If you’re looking to boost your child’s creativity or get some inspiration for your upcoming zoo-themed party, we got you!

Gather all the common craft materials and print out this free printable zebra craft template.

Have your child work on combining the colors, cutting and gluing the zebra patterns together.

Make this friendly zebra craft as garland or simply display it in each visitor’s table.

If your little one is fascinated with zebras, make a zebra mask out of paper plate.

Draw the zebra’s features on a construction paper, paint and glue it on the paper plate.

Use black strings for the zebra’s mane and cut the two holes for the eyes.

Punch a small hole on each side of the paper plate to insert an elastic rubber so your little one can wear it.

Use this simple printable letter Z craft template to spend quality time with your children.

We are confident they will ask for more fun A-to-Z alphabet craft template printable.

Printable Alphabet Crafts for Kids, preschoolers and toddlers 6



Letter Z Craft Supplies Needed

Keep scrolling to get your very own letter z craft today and start with your little ones and their alphabet craft buddies today!

Letter Z Craft Instructions

Excited to start crafting with your adorable children?

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Grab all the craft supplies and print this simple printable letter Z for zebra craft template on a white sheet of paper.

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Let your preschooler work on those scissor skills by cutting this free printable letter Z craft template into individual sections.

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Start gluing the zebra’s mane.

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Next, glue the muzzle on the upper left of the letter Z.

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Glue the zebra’s little ears and its adorable eyes.

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Your very own zebra craft is ready to play with your kids.

More Options to Choose:

  1. You can print the blank version and trace the cut outs on card stock paper for a sturdier letter z craft,
  2. Print the letter z template in color for a simple and easy rainy day craft or,
  3. Print the blank letter z template and use it as a fun coloring sheet activity and then glue the pieces of the letter z craft together.

Free Printable Letter Z Craft Template

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners


Here’s two free printable letters Z for zebra craft templates your children can decide which one they want.

We have the black and white letter Z for zebra drawing if your little one likes coloring.

If your child would prefer not to color in, use the easy cut-and-paste full color version of the preschool letter Z for zebra craft.

Don’t forget to share your learning plans in the comments.

Need more alphabet letters fun? Check out our packed list of alphabet for simple craft fun with your little ones.  

When you have finished, be sure to share your creation on Simple Mom Project’s Facebook Page and follow me on Pinterest!


Kaitlen D.

More Fun Alphabet Crafts

Printable Alphabet Crafts for Kids, preschoolers and toddlers

E is for Elephant Printable Craft Elephant Letter E Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to teach the alphabet uppercase letter N? Use this fun preschool free printable letter N is for narwhal learning craft activities. Grab other things that start with the letter N like having noodles for lunch, go outside and look for a nest, when it gets dark outside, emphasize the “n” sound in night. Your kids will love using our free printable letter N is for Narwhal as they spend the week learning all about the letter N in the ABC alphabet.

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to teach the alphabet uppercase letter U? Use this fun preschool free printable letter U is for umbrella learning craft activities. Your kindergarten students will also love making this fun printable letter U is for umbrella craft.

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

Z is for Zebra Printable Craft Zebra Letter Z Craft for Kids, preschoolers, toddlers and kindergartners

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