I would like to introduce Davina. She is a mom of three beautiful young women and an amazing Doula. Today she would like to share her expert advice on postpartum essentials for expecting mothers. You can visit her on her Facebook @deliverykarmadoula
In case you guys don’t know, because I certainly didn’t. A Doula is a woman that’s professionally trained to aide an expecting mother during pregnancy and child birth.
She also might provide an extra bit of support to the new mommy or provide additional support to the surrounding family after the baby arrives.
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Top 10 MUST HAVE Postpartum Essentials for Expecting Mothers to Make a Quick Recovery
The first few months postpartum are such a time of learning. It can be a little overwhelming learning how to care for your new baby. Many new moms aren’t aware or prepared for the physical and emotional challenges in early postpartum.
Expecting mothers take so much time and put so much thought into what items they will need for their new baby, but they don’t generally put the same thought into what mom will need when she gets home.
These are my top 10 suggestions new moms need for themselves.
Prearrange a Support Person
If you have access to a postpartum Doula I highly suggest hiring one. Even a friend or family member can be extremely helpful.
Arrange for them to come to your home once or twice in your first week home, not to visit, but to make sure you are getting some rest. They can help with meals or light cleaning. A lot of times a new mom can sleep much better knowing someone else is listening for baby’s cry and can wake her up only when it’s time for feeding.
DIY “Padcicles”
With Maxi pads, witch hazel and aloe vera, “Padsicles” are easy to make pads that cool and soothe the perineum after birth. Because you will be wearing a maxi pad after birth anyways, why not turn it into a cooling tool that soothes your swollen bits?
You can make these before baby comes and store them in the freezer. Just open the Maxi pad (leave the wrapper on) pour in organic aloe vera gel and spritz with witch hazel. Wrap back up and put into a freezer safe plastic bag or plastic wrap.
Stool Softener
One overlooked postpartum essential is a stool softener. It’s not something we normally like to talk about, but the process of birth can make a lot of women fearful of the first bowel movement.
Starting a stool softener before you leave the hospital can be very helpful. Your hospital can provide one, but I suggest having an over the counter softener, like Colace or Miralax, at home.
Just be sure you are taking a softener and not a laxative. And stay hydrated so that you don’t become constipated.
Comfy Nursing Bras
It’s just too difficult to nurse in a traditional bra. Pick up a couple of nursing bras before baby is born and practice unclipping or unsnapping to get used to it before attempting it one handed while holding a wiggly newborn.
I found a few on Amazon for a fantastic price! Check them out here.
Your Favorite Snacks
Very overlooked postpartum essentials are your favorite snacks. I suggest stocking up on a few of your favorite things in the weeks leading up to babies arrival. What are your favorite snack items, drinks(non-alcoholic of course), make and freeze meals?
You’ll appreciate not having to go to the grocery store your first week or two home if you have already stocked up.
Nursing Pads
After the baby is born, your body is trained to release the milk built up in the breast. Investing in a good set of nursing pads is a major postpartum essential. Even if you aren’t breastfeeding, your clothes will thank you later.
You will want to keep your eye out for ones that are soft and comfortable on your girls.
Comfy Undies
We aren’t going for sexy here. Get some comfy undies that are soft and easy to slip into. After birth, your lady parts will be sore, there’s no other way to put it. I bought a package of these and absolutely love them and I love the price even more!
If you aren’t into the bikini style, Amazon also has a hi-cut brief as well. Equally as soft and just as comfy.
A Way to Keep Clean
The hospital will provide a spritz bottle, but you can’t imagine how hard it is to position that bottle just right to clean downtown! Grab yourself a peri bottle with a curved tip to make it easier for positioning.
Add alcohol-free witch hazel and squirt your lady parts for much faster postpartum recovery.
Nipple Cream
I can’t explain the pain your girls experience after you give birth. Nipple cream is an absolute MUST HAVE postpartum essential!
Cracked and sore nipples are absolutely the WORST! I personally used this nipple cream and absolutely LOVE it! Its even great for your lips too.
One other thing, it is 100% safe for baby!
The first time you use t
he restroom after giving birth can be very painful. You will need a way to keep the burning at a minimum.
This spray is a miracle in a can and a must have postpartum essential! The hospital gave me some to take home, but I quickly realized that I needed more and was scrambling to find it after my first was born. I would stock up on these, at least 2-3 cans should be fine.
It is also great for bumps and scrapes as well and it has a long shelf life. So whatever you don’t use, you can keep stored for future accidents (that inevitably WILL happen with kids).
Remember to watch for signs of postpartum depression. While it’s common to have baby blues during the first 1-2 weeks after your baby arrives, anything lasting longer than that or getting worse is cause for concern.
More Resources:
Kaitlen D.
Put together the perfect afterbirth recovery basket and care kit for yourself or for a friend by including must haves for new moms right after they have given birth. It s not a glamorous time, but feeling a little more comfortable and cared for can go a long way.