Summer is a great time to get your friends and family to do outdoor fun outdoor activities or making easy DIY crafts like this free printable firefly template.
Fireflies really capture my little one’s attention as it gracefully glows during the night.
Making this preschool printable firefly craft template will help your little one work on practicing their scissor skills.
We think this easy firefly craft could work for a variety of ideas including learning the letter F, firefly themes or learning the life cycle of insects and bugs.
While your kids are busy coloring, cutting and pasting this simple printable firefly stencil template, gather all the recycled materials like clothespin, water bottle, mason jar, toilet paper roll and everything else you think would be perfect to create your own firefly suncatcher craft.
Keep scrolling down to see the simple instructions in making this free printable firefly outline template or watch the step-by-step tutorial video.
Need more crafty fun? Check out our Caterpillar and Butterfly craft. They are perfect for those days when staying indoors is the only thing your family can do!
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Free Printable Cut and Paste Firefly Craft
Ideas for Easy Preschool Paper Firefly Craft
We’re glad to share with you these cute ideas on how to incorporate this free printable firefly craft template in your daily life with the kids.
1. Fantastic Firefly Facts
Planning to study the bugs and insects this week with your children?
We think your kids will stay motivated in learning by pairing it with our free printable firefly craft template.
Did you know that fireflies are not flies? They are in the beetle family called Lampyridae.
There are about 2,000 different species of lightning bugs.
Did you know that male fireflies focus on finding a mate?
Males that do glow use their flash to attract female fireflies.
The female will start flashing back if she likes the male’s flashing pattern.
So, how do fireflies’ glow?
Fireflies produce a chemical reaction inside their bodies to produce their own light and it’s called bioluminescent.
A firefly has four stages in its life cycle.
2. Fireflies Books for Children
Reading to a toddler or preschooler makes them love books.
It will help them to learn to read by themselves, improve their language skills, start a good conversation and strengthen the child-parent relationship.
Let your kids have the imagination as high as possible by reading them these amazing firefly books.
- The Very Lonely Firefly board book (Penguin Young Readers, Level 2)
- Lucy’s Light (Once Upon a Garden)
- Next Time You See a Firefly
- Firefly Home
3. DIY Pop Bottle Firefly Craft
Wondering what to do with the kids on summer break?
Take out all the craft supplies and let’s make a cute glowing firefly craft!
Cut a rectangle of Japanese paper or construction paper to wrap around on the middle section of a clean pop bottle.
Get three pipe cleaners to wrap on the center of the pop bottle, twist each one to form the legs.
Trace and cut out the wings on cardboard, then have your child paint the wings and set it aside to dry.
Using a hot glue gun, attach the wings on top of the water bottle.
Decorate the water bottle cap by adding the eyes and antennae.
Activate the glow stick and place it inside the bottle.
Now, your cool firefly lightning bug craft is complete!
4. Easy Paper Roll Firefly Craft
Can’t get enough of our cute printable firefly craft template?
This simple toilet paper roll firefly craft is great for all ages, preschoolers and kids in kindergarten.
Have your preschooler paint the paper roll black.
Cut an oval shape on yellow tissue paper to attach it on the lower bottom of the toilet paper roll – this will become the firefly’s glowing belly.
Draw and cut out the head and wings on colored construction paper.
Using a hot glue gun, place it all together on the paper roll.
Finish it off by gluing the antennae pipe cleaners.
We hope you like all these brilliant firefly craft ideas we shared.
We are confident that your little learner will acquire a lot of knowledge with this free printable firefly craft template.
Firefly Craft Supplies Needed
- Colored Cardstock or Construction Paper
- White Cardstock Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Colored Pencils, Markers or Crayons
- Printable Firefly Template (FOUND AT THE BOTTOM)
Keep scrolling to get your very own firefly craft today and start with your little ones and their firefly craft buddies today!
Firefly Craft Instructions
Let’s start crafting! Click download and print the easy printable firefly drawing template on a white sheet of paper.
Help your preschooler to cut out the free printable firefly patterns into individual sections.
Use a glue stick to attach the head onto its body.
Glue the antennas on top of the firefly’s head.
Glue the wings to either side of the body.
Now your children have a cute lightning bug craft they can play around with!
More Options to Choose:
- You can print the blank version and trace the cut outs on card stock paper for a sturdier firefly craft,
- Print the firefly template in color for a simple and easy rainy day craft or,
- Print the blank firefly template and use it as a fun coloring sheet activity and then glue the pieces of the firefly craft together.
Free Printable Firefly Craft Template
Looking for a fun and easy bug craft for your kids?
Your little one will definitely love these two versions of simple printable firefly craft templates.
We have the black and white firefly outline template for your child to fill it up with bright colors and the colored firefly template if they want to directly cut and paste it together.
Don’t forget to share your learning plans in the comments.
Need more insect and bug fun? Check out our packed list of insects and bugs for simple craft fun with your little ones.
When you have finished, be sure to share your creation on Simple Mom Project’s Facebook Page and follow me on Pinterest!
Kaitlen D.