One of our favorite movies is Shrek, mostly because of the way donkey talks.
We laugh incredibly hard and we love it!
If you are looking for fun and interesting DIY craft, this free printable donkey paper bag puppet template is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartens.
This easy printable donkey paper bag puppet template will improve your child’s hand-eye coordination.
It will help them learn to color within specified lines with the picture.
Making this adorable printable donkey paper bag puppet template will ensure your little one enjoys their time coloring, cutting and pasting together while learning more about donkeys.

Need more easy paper bag puppet fun? Check out our Bear and Dog Paper Bag Puppets. They are perfect for those days when staying indoors is the only thing your family can do!
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Free Printable Donkey Paper Bag Puppet Craft
Ideas for Easy Preschool Paper Donkey Craft
We’d love to share with you the lists of brilliant ideas on how to maximize the use of this free printable donkey paper bag puppet template.
1. Cool Facts About Donkeys
Shrek and Donkey are one of the most interesting duos in Disney movies, their humor is very entertaining! Donkeys are herbivores, their diet is based on grass and grains.
Did you know that donkeys are related to horses? But donkeys have much longer ears and they are usually smaller than horses.
Do you know what are male and female donkeys are called? Male donkeys are called jacks while the female donkeys are called jennies or jennets.
Did you know that donkeys are very intelligent? They have excellent memories and ability to recognize other donkeys, people and can remember places very well. Amazing, isn’t it?
If you are teaching your preschooler about animals, don’t forget to include this simple printable donkey paper bag puppet template!
2. Story Books About Donkeys
Reading provides an amazing opportunity for you and your child to connect. Reading daily to your children can help with their communication and literacy skills.
These highly-recommended books are perfect for your preschoolers after they finish this free printable donkey paper bag puppet template.
- Flash the Donkey Makes New Friends
- The Donkey That No One Could Ride
- I Yam a Donkey! (A Yam and Donkey Book)
3. Easy Paper Plate Donkey Craft
Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh is one of my child’s favorite characters, too! Although Eeyore is gloomy, he sure knows how to warm our hearts along with his friends.
Aside from this free printable donkey paper bag puppet template, we thought it would be fun to make a simple paper plate donkey craft!
Have your child paint the paper plate grey.
Using this free printable donkey paper bag puppet template, trace the facial features on cardstock paper or cardboard.
Cut out every piece and glue it on the paper plate.
You can add a large popsicle stick on the bottom part of the paper plate so your child can hold it.
Your child can play with it along with their cute donkey paper bag puppets!
4. D is for Donkey
This amazing printable donkey paper bag puppet template can be part of your preschooler’s lesson plans if you’re teaching them the alphabets.
Print out some traceable upper- and lower-case letter D worksheets to encourage your child to practice writing.
If your little learner already knows how to work on their writing skills, print the letter D in a large sheet of paper then teach them how to correctly pronounce the D sound repetitively.
Kids retain information better if they are having fun while learning.
We hope you enjoyed these brilliant donkey craft ideas we shared.
We assure that your little one will learn a lot in making this easy activity!
Donkey Craft Supplies Needed
- Colored Cardstock or Construction Paper
- White Cardstock Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Colored Pencils, Markers or Crayons
- Printable Donkey Paper Bag Puppet Template (FOUND AT THE BOTTOM)
Keep scrolling to get your very own donkey paper bag puppet craft today and start with your little ones and their donkey craft buddies today!
Donkey Paper Bag Puppet Craft Instructions
Download and print out the free printable donkey paper bag puppet template of your child’s choice.
With the help of a pair of scissors, cut out the entire donkey shape from your printable template.
Glue the donkey’s body in front of the paper bag and the face to the bottom of the paper bag.
Attach the tail to the backside of the paper bag and finish off with a pair of eyes.
Your cute printable donkey paper bag puppet is ready to play with your little one!
More Options to Choose:
- You can print the blank version and trace the cut outs on card stock paper for a sturdier donkey paper bag puppet craft,
- Print the donkey paper bag puppet template in color for a simple and easy rainy day craft or,
- Print the blank donkey paper bag puppet template and use it as a fun coloring sheet activity and then glue the pieces of the donkey paper bag puppet craft together.
Free Printable Donkey Paper Bag Puppet Template
Download and get these two versions of the free printable donkey paper bag puppet template. Let your little one decide whether they like to color first using the black and white donkey template or they want to proceed in cutting and pasting the pieces together.
Don’t forget to share your learning plans in the comments. Need more paper bag puppet fun? Check out our packed list of paper bag puppets for simple craft fun with your little ones.
When you have finished, be sure to share your creation on Simple Mom Project’s Facebook Page and follow me on Pinterest!
Kaitlen D.